Wednesday 27 September 2017

CSC Training Day Tour 2017-8: London

This year's CSC training day tour began with a thoroughly enjoyable day at Enterprise House in London.

The 14 delegates were a perfect blend of people, encompassing those from the teaching profession who sought to build up their chess skills and strong chess players (including WFM Shahanah Schmid) who sought exactly the opposite.

The delegates tackled all of the tasks with relish. They absorbed the information about the CSC, learned about our curriculum, produced some excellent written work and enjoyed a series of mini-games and other challenges.

Zoran was the first brave volunteer of the day and his task was to
move around the room like a bishop. No straight lines allowed!

I wonder who won this one?
Ruth was the next brave volunteer. The task: to move around the room like a queen.
An expert job - complete with regal waves!
CSC Chief Executive Malcolm Pein dropped in to see the day in action.
Aga, the CSC Assistant to the Senior Management Team and my excellent assistant for the day, kept everything
running smoothly. Here, Malcolm and Aga have been caught joining in the fun with a game of Pirate Chess.

Thank you, everyone!

I can honestly say that if you enjoyed the day just half as much as I did, then I must have enjoyed it twice as much as you.

The CSC calendar of training days can be found here. More dates will be added soon.

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